
My Life-Changing Expedition with TLD


I made my journey to China roughly two and a half months ago, however the initial experience began many months before. I was put into contact with TLD shortly after making the immense decision to move to China for a year. They allowed me to choose the area and city of China that I would like to visit and set me up with multiple interviews to different schools.

My recruiter, Vanilla was extremely helpful in guiding me through the lengthy visa process and constantly checked in with me through every step of the way in both completing the steps she was able to from her end and ensuring I had everything I needed to complete the steps on mine.


After receiving my visa and booking my flights I took the leap and arrived in Shenzhen. I was then met by another member of TLD, Lindsey. Again she was extremely helpful in setting me up with my new phone SIM card and arranging my health check, even now she is continuing to help with any questions I have or in setting up further necessities such as apartment viewings and opening a bank account.

I was set to work at a kindergarten in Shenzhen but just before beginning a problem arose and I had to look at other options for work. TLD set me up with an interview one morning and that very day I made the journey to Huizhou to begin work in another kindergarten the next day. The efficiency of the team was incredible! I must admit, I was slightly concerned about what was happening as everything changed so quickly however the support completely put my mind at ease as I was constantly reminded that I am not alone in this journey.


Since moving to Huizhou and beginning work, I am settling in quite well. I have an apartment that I love and have made many new friends through work. I had no previous teaching experience before coming to China and although I was worried that I may not be able to succeed, I have learned so much! Working with young kids has been so inspiring and I am amazed at how much on the job learning I have been able to do. Every single day I feel myself becoming a better teacher and I am rewarded for that by the children. Beyond learning as I go, it has been so simple to reach out to the other teachers around me.


At first I was anxious to ask questions for fear that I may be viewed as incapable to teach or that I don’t belong but what is the number one thing I have seen is a shared view amongst other teachers? Everyone has to start somewhere. By asking questions to the people who have more experience than me it has made the process so much smoother, it really is a team effort. I know that I have colleagues who will help me develop my skills and I have TLD to support in any way I can possibly imagine! With all of this blending together my experience in China has been an unforgettable one and I would highly recommend anyone who is debating the idea to take the leap of faith and take part in an unforgettable life changing experience!
