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The Selection and Commendation Ceremony for Outstanding Foreign Teachers



The selection and commendation ceremony for outstanding foreign teachers in the first semester of the 2023-2024 academic year was smoothly conducted on April 13, 2024, with a total of 10 foreign teachers receiving various honors and accolades.


At TLD, we prioritize the core of teaching. Our foreign teachers, leveraging their profound professional knowledge and innovative teaching styles, deeply inspire every student, kindling their enthusiasm for learning and fostering their appreciation for multiculturalism. Through their efforts, they firmly establish a solid ground for students' future endeavors.


Among the numerous exceptional foreign teachers, ten individuals have emerged victorious after being nominated by their respective school directors, evaluated by our foreign affairs supervisors, and carefully selected by the judging committee. They have been honored with prestigious awards such as the "Student-Centric Award", "School Value-Added Award", "Outstanding Collaboration Award", and the "Excellent Teacher" award. These accolades not only acknowledge their diligent efforts in the past but also serve as a testament to their potential to continue shining brightly in the international education sphere.


The atmosphere at the event was lively, with the award-winning foreign teachers beaming with smiles and holding their trophies, as the moments of joy and glory were captured by everyone. Meanwhile, the foreign teachers who did not win the awards participated virtually, witnessing this joyful moment together, making the event even more meaningful.


During the commendation ceremony, we were honored to hear heartfelt and inspiring speeches from four representative award-winning foreign teachers.


“Hi my name is Tom , 23 years old teacher from the UK; Its my honor to win this award as I known many of my peers in TLD who are also amazing teachers.I would like to learn from them if any chances.”

----Tom, the proud owner of the 【Student-Centric Award】 in Guangzhou


“Hello, my name is Zak, I'm 23 years old from Scotland. I'm absolutely honored to received this award. I really feel like I've been trying my best to work hard and it's very nice to feel appreciated and I know that the hard work you put and you're gonna be recognized and reveive the awards, I'm very grateful about this.”

---- Zak, the proud recipient of the 【School Value-Added Award】 in Huizhou


“Hi Everyone, my name is Marlou. TLD provides me with a valuable platform to showcase my talents. I am deeply honored and grateful to receive the "Outstanding Collaboration" award. This award not only recognizes my past efforts, but also encourages and anticipates my continued pursuit of excellence and dedication to education in the future. I will cherish it and continue to work hard to contribute more to the growth of children.”---- Marlou, the proud recipient of the 【Outstanding Collaboration Award 】at Shenzhen


“I am so happy to receive this award. It is great to feel appreciated after putting in a lot of effort. I feel very honoured and grateful. This semester I have faced a lot of challenges, but I find it so rewarding to work with my students. Thank you so much”---- Taryn, the proud recipient of the Excellent Teacher Award in Wuhan


We sincerely congratulate these award-winning foreign teachers and look forward to their continued success in the future.

表彰环节结束后,总经理Protoss 发表致辞。他首先对获奖外教们表示热烈的祝贺,并感谢他们为学校发展作出的贡献。在致辞中,Protoss着重强调了以下几个方面:一、希望外教们专注为孩子提供优质多元文化的教学,让孩子们在课堂可以了解更广阔的世界;二、鼓励外教更多参与学校教学活动与成果展示,更多参加、支持学校的市场宣传、家校互动等,帮助学校录取更多学生,以让学校的优质教学可以惠及更多的孩子;三、专注自己的个人提升,包括教学能力、知识学历、思维视野等,成为更优秀的国际教育者。

After the conclusion of the awards ceremony, General Manager Protoss delivered a speech. He began by extending heartfelt congratulations to the awarded foreign teachers and expressing gratitude for their contributions to the school's development. In his speech, Protoss emphasized the following key points: Firstly, he hoped that the foreign teachers would focus on delivering quality multicultural education to children, enabling them to explore a broader world within the classroom. Secondly, he encouraged the foreign teachers to participate more actively in school teaching activities and showcase their achievements, while also supporting and engaging in the school's marketing efforts, home-school collaborations, and other initiatives. This would help the school attract a larger pool of students, ensuring that its high-quality education could benefit even more children. Finally, he stressed the importance of personal growth and improvement, including enhancing teaching abilities, acquiring more knowledge and qualifications, and broadening one's thinking horizons. This would enable the foreign teachers to become even more accomplished international educators.


Immediately afterwards, trainer Richie gave in-depth reminders and training on some recent safety issues. He emphasized the importance of safety awareness and shared practical safety knowledge and coping methods to ensure that everyone can work and learn in a safe environment.


Looking forward to the future, TLD plans to launch a new round of foreign teacher selection activities in July, aiming to discover and recognize more foreign teachers who have made outstanding contributions in the field of education. At the same time, we will continue to promote high-quality teacher resources for schools and promote the prosperity and development of international education. We know well the importance of foreign teachers in the field of education. They not only broaden the international education vision for students, but also inject new vitality and creativity into schools. Therefore, we will continue to search, select and recommend outstanding foreign teachers to meet the needs of schools for high-quality teaching.


In addition, we also look forward to establishing partnerships with more schools to jointly promote the prosperity and development of international education, and contribute our efforts to cultivating talents with international vision and cross-cultural communication skills. Meanwhile, please look forward to our upcoming series of articles, which will focus on showcasing the style of outstanding foreign teachers and share their educational stories and successful experiences.
